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Appellate Lawyers

Michael A. Scodro

+1 312 701 8886
+1 312 706 8191

Michael A. Scodro is a partner in Mayer Brown’s Chicago office and a member of the Supreme Court & Appellate practice. Prior to joining Mayer Brown from another prominent firm, he spent more than six years as the Illinois Solicitor General, where he oversaw the civil and criminal appeals divisions of the Attorney General’s Office, supervising more than 40 attorneys in appeals in which the state was a party. He also advised the Illinois Attorney General on constitutional and other significant legal issues.

An accomplished litigator and appellate advocate, Michael has argued dozens of cases before the US Supreme Court, state supreme courts, US courts of appeal and all five districts of the Illinois Appellate Court. Additionally, as Illinois Solicitor General, he coordinated with other state attorneys general’s offices in the preparation and filing of multi-state amicus briefs in the US Supreme Court and brought Illinois to the forefront among the states in this area of Supreme Court advocacy.

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