Supreme Court Practice, Tenth Edition

December 2013
Published by Bloomberg BNA

Edited and authored by Mayer Brown lawyers, Bloomberg BNA’s Tenth Edition, Supreme Court Practice provides a comprehensive analysis of the Supreme Court. The treatise offers up-to-date guidance on every aspect of practice before the Court under its newly revised 2013 Rules—from the most fundamental to the most obscure.

The Tenth Edition includes:

  • In-depth discussions of the jurisdictional and prudential principles that govern practice before the Supreme Court at every stage.
  • Advice from some of the country’s most experienced Supreme Court practitioners on time-tested techniques for making effective written and oral presentations.
  • A complete body of Supreme Court precedent, covering all the relevant decisions in the modern era.
  • A wealth of historical precedent bearing on every issue of jurisdiction and procedure in each category of case on the Court’s docket.
  • Updated guidelines and checklists for docketing and processing petitions for certiorari and appeals—and for pursuing a case after review has been granted.
  • Expert analysis of the current 48 Rules of the Supreme Court, as amended and effective on July 1, 2013.
  • A table of cases, an extensive index and a table of rules and laws—to make preparation easier and more thorough.

Order this book.

Stephen Shapiro
Kenneth Geller
Timothy Bishop
Dan Himmelfarb

Federal Appellate Practice, Third Edition


Published by Bloomberg BNA

Edited and authored by Mayer Brown lawyers, Bloomberg BNA’s Third Edition, Federal Appellate Practice book is the primary resource for fully understanding the federal appellate process. The book guides practitioners through the federal appellate process—from preserving and protecting the record in the trial court, through all stages of briefing and arguing appeals, to preliminary considerations relating to possible Supreme Court review.

The Third Edition addresses significant amendments to both the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and the local rules of various circuits, as well as developments in appellate practice. Additionally, it incorporates an enormous volume of opinions since the second edition was released, addressing topics covered in virtually every chapter. It also updates the state of the law and captures many of the comments made in appellate decisions, including in unpublished orders, reflecting the views of particular circuits or judges about what works, and what does not, in handling appeals.

This valuable resource goes deeper than purely legal treatises that only collect cases and discuss “the holding.” The treatise draws upon the experience of more than a dozen partners and counsel in Mayer Brown’s Supreme Court and Appellate Practice Group to provide commentary on the most effective ways to handle each step of the process, explaining pitfalls, techniques, and opportunities that may not be apparent from merely reading the technical rules.

Brian Netter